
Keyboard cat Sold!

Woooo! :D

My eBay auction that I created for my Keyboard Cat Painting finished up yesterday afternoon while I was at work. Now I have sent an invoice with updated shipping costs and once payment has been made I'll pack her off and ship her out. *sniff*

It really was really enjoyable and relaxing making this painting. It has given me an idea to think about a subject matter that other people might enjoy and create some pieces to try and sell on eBay. At the moment I have a ton of other projects in the works, so this really isn't the greatest of times, but it's something to write on here and I can come back to it later.

List of possible subject matter:
- Trees (my favorite object to render)
- Cats (lots of peoples tend to like these)
- Flowers
- Blah

That's about all I've got this second. :D

I have also been thinking a lot lately about an installation project involving knitting (yay! knitting again!) And it does not involve Baby Hats or multiples of numbers this time. :)

It's still in the creation stages, i.e., Trying to make it not sound like a bunch of bantha-doodoo, but I'm getting kind of excited about it. Once I have a full proposal made up I have a couple places I'll try approaching about it. I was greatly influenced by a U of Guelph graduate named Kate Terry. My own project will incorporate the room a bit more, but her use of thread at certain points in a room got me thinking about the spirographs I used to play with when I was tiny. Then I started thinking about other craft-type products I used at that age and there sprung a seed for this new project.

We'll see what actually comes of it.

For now I'll spend the rest of my day looking at Keyboardcat while I can and reading more about Gimp. Too achy to go to the Gym. Blah.

So-long sweet kitty. I hope you are going to a good home. At least I know they appreciate your humour. :)

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