
Jugglin' eggs that won't all fit in my basket

Right, so in an attempt to get more exposure to this site and to my art in general, I have neglected posting here. But I'm here now, yay!

So what have I been up to? Basically joining up with a lot of different Flickr groups, mostly ones that involve cats and paintings of cats. (Trying to bump up traffic for keyboardcat) I have also started a thread at the G4 channel website in the AOTS forum. It's for people who cannot join their keyboardcat competition due to the fact that they are not residents of the United States. There are some fantastical pieces. :) Last night they apparently showed off all the entries they had received from legitimate applicants. (Sadly I was working last night but I will be able to catch the repeat showing this afternoon)

I have also joined Deviantart which is an incredibly massive forum of artists (both visual and literary). On this site I have primarily uploaded images more along the illustrative side of my mind. I have found a renewed love of digitally-created art as well and have decided to pursue more projects along those lines. Below are two preliminary sketches that I will be attempting to hone using Gimp image-editing software (it's freeware quite comparable to Photoshop).

:) I expect many tedious hours in front of my laptop ... but that just happens to be my cup of tea. We'll see how things go.

I have also signed up with ebay to try and sell my keyboardcat painting. I really enjoyed creating it but I'd like to see what I could get for it. I'd also like to give 10% of the proceeds to the Guelph humaine society. We'll see how things turn out. I'll be posting a link once I actually create the listing. I'm thinking the beginning of next week (probably Monday).

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