
Some thing's a doing

Hey! Finished a couple things over the last couple months.

They have nothing to do with the progress bars on the side of the screen. *sigh* they will get their rightful attention eventually.

I got an itch to create some necklaces, simply to see what I might come up with.

Arn't they purdy? There are more images of each available at my Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/damnitshilary?ga_search_query=damnitshilary&ga_search_type=seller_usernames

I had a fantastic time creating them. I love small, intricate pieces and truly enjoy the time it takes to finish. It's somewhat meditative and tends to calm me down.

The future may call for more ... once I come across some disposable income that is. I'll just have to wait and see.

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